May Peace Prevail on Earth
Sunday, January 26th, 2025
The livestream is on our YouTube channel:
(@ChurchOfSpirituality )
We meet every Sunday at 1:00pm Eastern, LIVE
(video upload currently takes until the next day)
Annette Dion - minister
Annette Dion - minister
God made each one of US to be a radiating center, constantly shining outward toward others in a spirit of ministry and giving. - H. Emilie Cady
We meet every Sunday at 1:00pm EST live, on YouTube, @psychicannettedion
Please invite a friend or family member to join with you today!
God made each one of US to be a radiating center, constantly shining outward toward others in a spirit of ministry and giving. - H. Emilie Cady
Prelude Music
Please take this time. Practice getting centered. Silence your devices completely, and make sure your pets and any children who are around can be quiet and will not be disturbing you. Be alone or, if you like, with someone who is actively watching with you, and not distracting you. You deserve, actually, you need to have one hour a week, and preferably many more hours, devoted to self-reflection and peace in order to maintain a grounded, centered state of mind, especially during these challenging times in our country and in our world.
Prayer For Healing in The United States
God is all in all, the Divine Presence that is everywhere. There is no spot where God is not.
We declare that we, the people of the United States, are now one with this Divine Presence. Divine order is working through the situations of divisiveness and the appearances of hatred. We know and experience that everything is always happening for the ultimate outcome of healing and rebirth everywhere.
Darkness that has been manifest is now fully removed and dissolved. Those who have out-pictured hatred and vitriol are now stopped in their tracks. We see evidence now that the Light is presently in the process of eliminating evil, stopping all violence, healing and protecting this and all nations.
Enemy countries that have received US secret information find that it has been rendered useless. Potential plans for any and all attacks are stopped. Harm to the people simply does not occur. All terrorist extremist groups and individuals drop their arms and weapons, deciding that the planning of attacks on our nation and all nations is useless and simply not worth it.
Collectively we choose to have and to contribute to a country and a world of peace. Justice is now in full operation and TRUTH prevails, replacing all lies and negative, destructive rhetoric. We see the triumph of peace over conflict. Leaders who stand for love and unity prevail and win.
Those who have stood for hatred and violence right now fall from positions of power, according to the Divine will. People everywhere demand and stand for the Infinite Power of love and interconnected harmony with one another. We eliminate from this prayer treatment any and all manifestations of fear, panic, doubt, worry, now and in the future. Negative emotions have lost all power. Negative outcomes simply do not happen. Positive occurrences and progress are the case, no matter the outward appearances.
We work together as one country, one world, to make America a safe and protected nation that returns right now to being a beacon for a working Democracy for the good of this nation and for the good of the world. America heals now and becomes better than ever before.
As we release this prayer treatment to the Divine Law of harmony and good, we give thanks that it is so. And so it is.
Theme for January: Living In Divine Truth
Sermon: Love Is The Only Truth
Reading of our mission statement:
We believe we are all connected to Divine Intelligence, continually moving through all of life and through all living things. We remember to always align with this Divine Presence to create healing miracles in our own lives, positively affecting the lives of all those we come into contact with, seen and unseen. We believe that the Kingdom Of Heaven resides within each and every one of us and that LOVE is all there is. We know and acknowledge that we are one.
Opening chant: In the Present
Healing chants: 1) All is Well 2) I Forgive Everyone 3) I Move At God’s Pace
Guided Prayer and Meditation time
Share your prayer requests with the participants so that we may pray for them as we meditate together. Remember also to pray for yourself and your loved ones.
A prayer by St. Augustine:
Tend your sick ones, Oh Lord
Rest your weary ones, bless your dying ones
Soothe your suffering ones, pity your afflicted ones
Shield your joyous ones
And all for your love’s sake
Prelude chant: We are one in Spirit, We co-create with God, We lift our prayers up to the Light, expanding loving thoughts
First reading: Living The Science of Mind - Ernest Holmes
Love Dissolves Fear
To UNDERSTAND that Love overcomes both hate and fear is one of the chief requisites of a scientific mental practitioner. Love does not overcome hate and fear by argument or force, but by some subtle Power of transformation, transmutation,sublimation, invisible in Its essence but apparent through Its act.
As light overcomes the darkness, as the presence of heat causes the atmosphere of the room to change until it is warm and comfortable, so the radiant presence of Love and Peace dissipates fear, hate, and confusion.
In every series of prayer treatments the practitioner should bring out these points of Being relative to his patient. His patient is dominated by Love and appreciated in Love by everyone who contacts him. Fear and hate cannot motivate him, cannot operate through him, cannot do anything to him, do not belong to him, and are not part of him. Nothing enters his consciousness but a sense of peace.
The practitioner does not fight evil. He knows there is no evil. He knows there is no reversal of his thought; that the statements which he has made about his patient are the Truth about him.
He knows that the Truth does absolutely, positively, immediately, and permanently uproot, cast out, and forever obliterate every negation about his patient. He knows that his patient is not controlled by material laws or governed by others' thoughts. He covers him with Love.
Love is the victor in every case. Love breaks down the iron bars of thought, shatters the walls of material belief, severs the chain of bondage which thought has imposed, and sets the captive free.”
First musical selection: Can’t Stop Love - Brenton “Washuntara” Roberts
Second reading:
from Scientific Christian Mental Practice - Emma Curtis Hopkins
To love is to see God in all. This sight, or this love, puts out evil. So of intelligence. Even the greatest minds tell how limited they feel their knowledge to be. They also tell how ignorant and incompetent they feel to solve the problem of life. But such is not the way those feel who are in the light of reasoning, based upon the first principle that God is Wisdom, for Understanding Absolute is in them, and is also in all things, informing them of high Truth. Whenever man tells of his ignorance he is speaking of the formulations of his imagination. This lesson would say “Let that which is light indeed be your light, or let Truth be your words. Truth of Spirit and truth of matter.”
It is true that matter is ignorant; it knows nothing. Are you Spirit or matter? Tell the truth about it. Reason it out well.
Second musical selection: Come Thy Font Of Every Blessing - hymn
Sermon time: Love Is The Only Truth
Time of giving gifts and thanksgiving:
“Life’s persistent and most urgent question is: what are you doing for others?”. - Reverend Martin Luther King, Jr
This is your opportunity to express the abundance of God moving through you. Please give to the following worthy organizations:
The church is a labor of love, for which I do not receive a paycheck. However, in order to continue this work I need help paying the bills. Tithes and gifts are greatly appreciated.
You make this time together possible.
Thank you to those who regularly express their generosity. Thank you to all those who are choosing now to share their abundance in the spirit of reciprocity.
What we give, we receive back, multiplied.
Click on the link below to give, or send donation to: Annette Dion, P.O. Box 5295, Gloucester, MA 01930
Please give to the International Rescue Committee to help Ukrainian refugees.
To send aid to the victims of the war in the Middle East:
We must contribute to Sadhguru’s worldwide “Save Soil” mission to save the world’s topsoils and avoid world hunger.
Please support organizations that are fighting the attempt at an authoritarian takeover of the United States currently happening. Continue to pray for God’s ending for the evil ones.